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Investor relations:
Future Funding: Our investors make it happen! Allows you to make a difference now and leave an enduring legacy for your children… and the city you enjoy and treasure!

The NY Museum of Water’s approach is to foster creativity and cooperation in the pursuit of a common goal: creating the world's best advocate for water and the finest man-made point of contact with the wonders of water. In doing so, we have developed strong revenue streams enabling us to attain profitability in a competitive marketplace.
NYMW will be selecting members for a team of "angel investors" who believe in the mission and have seen the professional grade business plan that demonstrates how this great community mission can be driven successfully by a savvy interplay of profit, cooperative, and altruistic engineering. If you feel you may be right for the role, able to contribute unique support and would like to be part of the financial opportunity, as well, please feel welcome to reach me.

All my best,
Asher Shomrone
Founder and Executive Director
New York Museum of Water